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Blog Post How we got here!

How we got here!

Disciple Property Management was founded in 2001, starting with our own 2 rental homes in Richmond Hill Georgia. The story begins in 1993 with me as a young Second Lieutenant in the US ARMY serving at Fort Stewart in Hinesville.   I was straight out of the Corps of Cadets at...
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Blog Post Local Property Management. Our Service Area

Local Property Management. Our Service Area

We are licensed to manage rental property all over Georgia. But can we feasibly do a great job managing property that we can’t see and touch quickly. Nope, we can not. So we keep the areas that we manage rental property to a very specific distance and areas in which we are ...
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Blog Post Landscape Maintenance and Rental Properties

Landscape Maintenance and Rental Properties

While residents want to rent a nice looking home, they often have no interest, time, or knowledge on how to maintain the property. They may agree to landscape maintenance in the rental contract but it can be difficult for a property manager or owner to enforce. The owner can char...
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